Olive Oil as a Natural Moisturizer

Have you ever wondered about the benefits of olive oil? Sure, it has amazing health benefits when eaten, but it turns out olive oil can be used as part of your skincare regime too. It’s not just for cooking anymore!


Olive oil is useful for hair because it can coat and protect the more fragile strands and moisturize the scalp. Try:

Hands & Feet

Olive oil can be used like lotion to cover microcracks in the skin, and the benefits don’t end there:


It might seem strange to think about putting more oil on your face, but it’s actually very beneficial when not used to excess. Olive oil should be applied to a cotton ball and dabbed on the face, instead of being rubbed on with fingers, to prevent clogging pores.

Having a problem removing eye make-up? Apply olive oil to a cotton ball and dab it on eyes to breakdown waterproof components and pull oil-based make-up off the face. Then follow your normal skin care routine to wash, tone, and moisturize. Read a suggested recipe.

Create a lip scrub using olive oil and sugar. Add lemon juice or orange juice to give it extra flavor.